Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol (1928-1987), American artist known for his work in the fields of cinema, music, but above all for being "the pope of the pop", translate the king of pop. At the start of the 1960s, Warhol practiced a completely new technique: screen-printed photography. Discover our range of personalized portrait paintings.

Warhol prints and duplicates one or more black and white photos on a stretched canvas then has fun coloring them with bright and luminous tints. This revolutionary artistic process was quite simply the basis of pop art. Warhol produced numerous series of pop arts which he devoted to stars of his time such as Liz Taylor, Jacqueline Kennedy, Elvis Presley or the sumptuous Marilyn Monroe, without forgetting his famous series of self-portraits. He also uses screen printing to revisit the myth of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. The term “pop art” (short for popular art) was first uttered in 1955 by English art critic Lawrence Allaway.
Through pop art, Warhol simply wanted to open art to the field of advertising and everyday life. This movement was intended to be characteristic of the consumer society, some of his works represented the brands that had invaded America in the 1960s. Warhol upset the interpretation that everyone had of art, he was no longer unique but reproducible, it did not represent the abstract or beautiful things but rather everyday imagery. The goal of pop art was to desacralize the work of art, by allowing its accessibility to the greatest number, for Warhol "everyone was entitled to his quarter of an hour of glory".